
All routes for the Navigation Event this year will have 6 checkpoints. Secret photos to identify while flying the route will not be given to contestants until they enter the hot box. In the past these were given in the planning room. Details will be explained at the General Contestant Briefing.

In order to publish the Navigation Heat Sheet in a timely manner, aircraft information is due by April 29, 2024. Only the authorized coach/advisor may complete this form.  We will not be calling or emailing to verify your submissions! If you cannot access the form, the link does not work, or you have a question about whether you are registered as an Advisor/Coach, please email the Senior Chief Judge at

We will be holding two categories for the Navigation Event this year, Traditional and Unlimited.  Each school will still have a total of three (3) entries in the Navigation Event, but these entries may be split in any manner a school desires between the two categories.  Please refer to the current NIFA rules for questions and eligibility requirements.  If you plan to enter the Traditional Category, please email with the tail number of the aircraft you wish to fly and a picture of the cockpit clearly showing all installed equipment.  The Senior Judging Staff will review that information for approval of the specific aircraft.

  • Please click the button below and enter ONLY the aircraft you intend to fly in the Navigation event.
  • Please only fill out the form once you are reasonably certain of which aircraft you intend to fly.  N-number changes will be accepted, but TAS MUST remain accurate.
  • The following choices of TAS are available: 80 knots, 85 knots, 95 knots, 105 knots, 120 knots
  • With regards to your “Estimated Cockpit Preparation Time,” please try to be as accurate as possible.  We will not force you to taxi if you are not ready, but that will negatively impact our ability to remain on schedule.  If you over-estimate time, we may allow you to taxi early if adequate separation exists on your specific route.
  • You MUST have at least 2 aircraft if you intend to enter 3 contestants. If only using 2 aircraft, whichever aircraft flies in round 1 will then fly in round 3.  Please indicate this by placing a * after the tail number. (N123AB*)  It is not possible to schedule any other way.
  • Once the heat sheet is published, you MUST fly the TAS as published.  Be certain of what you will be able to fly when you enter the information.  If you change aircraft after the heat sheet is published, you will have to fly at whatever TAS was assigned to that position.  This is done to maintain safe separation and efficiency along the routes of flight. 

Once you have read the above information and are an Advisor or Coach, click the link below to submit your aircraft information.

Navigation Aircraft Information

Navigation Heat Sheet


Fueling location will be pictured below.